Over the course of the last six months, Aculabs has helped the New Jersey Department of Health by assisting with the distribution of the BinaxNOWTM COVID-19 Ag test cards. Throughout the pilot program, Aculabs has helped to distribute over 1 Million of the test cards on behalf of the New Jersey Department of Health’s Office of Emergency Management to different long-term care homes within New Jersey.

The NJ Department of Health’s Office of Emergency Management has asked that Aculabs assist in the dissemination and distribution of updated information regarding an extended expiration date for cards distributed by Aculabs to facilities on the OEM’s behalf.

Please see below for the different lot numbers and the updated expiration date for your cards.

Order DateLot NumberBinaxNOW Expiration DateExtended Expiration Date
11/20/20128515 1604/04/202107/04/2021
11/24/20128515 1604/04/202107/04/2021
11/24/20130207 1604/13/202107/13/2021
11/25/20131415 1604/26/202107/26/2021
12/10/20126149 1603/12/202106/12/2021
12/10/20128938 1604/07/202107/07/2021
12/10/20129364 1604/10/202107/10/2021
01/22/21129364 1604/10/202107/10/2021
01/22/21130207 1604/13/202107/13/2021
01/22/21130361 1604/18/202107/18/2021
02/24/21130885 1604/20/202107/20/2021
02/24/21131856 1604/28/202107/28/2021
02/24/21133670 1605/02/202108/02/2021
02/24/21134701 1605/15/202108/15/2021
02/24/21135826 1605/22/202108/22/2021
02/24/21135827 1605/24/202108/24/2021