Aculabs offers an expansive continuum of testing. For more information, please reach out to
Current client facilities can access the full test directory through our web portal. Clients can utilize below an abbreviated directory that includes the most commonly ordered tests and panels as curated by our current clients.
In order to assist nursing staff, we’ve curated a list of ICD-10 codes most commonly used by clients. For more information, please refer to the AMA’s ICD-10 Manual. The responsibility for correct coding lies ultimately with the ordering physician.
Did you know? The Aculabs web portal has both email and SMS notification capabilities for when critical results are posted. Contact our Client Support team for more information on setting up critical notifications!
Last Updated: October 7th 2024
Analyte Type | Test Code | Analyte | Reference Range | Panic Range |
TDM | 329 | Carbamazepine (Tegretol) | 4.0 -12 ug/mL | >12.0 |
TDM | 789 | Valproic Acid (Depak) | 50 - 100 ug/mL | >100.0 |
TDM | 300 | Digoxin | 0.6 - 1.2 ng/mL | >2.0 |
TDM | 771 | Gentamicin Peak | 5.0 - 10.0 ug/mL | >10.0 |
TDM | 786 | Gentamicin trough | 0.5 - 2.0 ug/mL | >4.0 |
TDM | 350 | Levetiracetam (KEPPRA) | 6.0-46 ug/mL | >50.0 |
TDM | 129 | Lithium | 0.6 - 1.2 mmol/L | >1.5 |
TDM | 320 | Phenobarbital | 10.0 - 40 ug/mL | >45.0 |
TDM | 301 | Phenytoin (Dilantin) | 10.0 - 20.0 ug/mL | >25.0 |
TDM | 3175 | Tacrolimus (Prograf) | 5.0-20.0 ng/mL | <5.0 and >20.0 |
TDM | 321 | Theophylline | 10.0 - 20.0 ug/mL | >25 |
TDM | 893 | Vancomycin Peak | 20.0 - 40.0 ug/mL | >40.0 |
TDM | 894 | Vancomycin Trough | 10.0 - 20.0 ug/mL | >25.0 |
Thyroid function | 303 | T 3 uptake | 28 % - 41 % | |
Thyroid function | 3224 | Total T3 | 80-200 ng/dL | |
Thyroid function | 304 | Thyroxin (T4) | 4.5 - 11.7 ug/dL | |
Thyroid function | 327 | Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) | 0.3 - 4.2 uIU/mL | |
Thyroid function | 703 | Free T3 | 2.0 - 4.4 pg/mL | |
Thyroid function | 704 | Free T4 | 0.9 - 1.7 ng/dL | |
Parathyroid Hormone | 712 | Parathyroid Hormone Intact (PTH I) | 15-65 pg/mL | |
Lipid | 105 | Cholesterol | < 200 mg/dL | |
Lipid | 193 | Triglycerides | <150 mg/dL | |
Lipid | 192 | HDL | >40 mg/dL | |
Tumor Markers | 3109 | AFP | <8.3 ng/mL | >15 |
Tumor Markers | 328 | Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) | <4.0 ng/mL | >12.0 |
Tumor Markers | 332 | Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) | Nonsmoker <3.8 ng/mL Smoker <5.5 ng/mL | >75 |
Tumor Markers | 680 | Cancer Antigen 125 (CA 125) | <38.1 U/mL | |
Anemia | 347 | B12 | 232-1245 pg/mL | |
Anemia | 348 | Folate (Folic Acid) | >4 ng/mL | |
Anemia | 324 | Ferritin | M 30 - 400 ng/mL F 10 - 200 ng/mL | |
Chemistry | 107 | Albumin | 3.5 - 5.2 g/dL | |
Chemistry | 109 | Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) | 35-129 U/L | >500 |
Chemistry | 120 | ALT (SGPT) | <40 U/L | |
Chemistry | 139 | Ammonia | 11-60 umol/L | >150 |
Chemistry | 143 | Amylase | 28 - 100 U/L | >200 |
Chemistry | 111 | AST (SGOT) | <40 U/L | >100 |
Chemistry | 7533 | BNP | <100 pg/mL | >300 |
Chemistry | 100 | Calcium | 8.4 - 10.2 mg/dL | < 6.5 and >14.0 |
Chemistry | 118 | Chlorides (Cl) | 98 - 107 mmol/L | < 80 and >125 |
Chemistry | 138 | CK | M 39 - 308 U/L F 26 - 192 U/L | >400 |
Chemistry | 145 | CK-MB | < 5.0 ng/mL | >25 |
Chemistry | 167 | CO2 | 22 - 32 mmol/L | < 15 and >40 |
Chemistry | 3128 | Cortisol AM | 5-20 µg/dL | |
Chemistry | 770 | Cortisol PM | 2.5-12 µg/dL | |
Chemistry | 509 | C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP) | <1.0 mg/L | |
Chemistry | 507 | C-Reactive Protein (Inflammatory) | <8.0 mg/L | |
Chemistry | 101 | Creatinine | 0.6 - 1.5 mg/dL | >5.0 |
Chemistry | 136 | Direct Bilirubin | <0.3 mg/dL | >3.0 |
Chemistry | 121 | GGT (GGPT) | M 8 - 61 U/L F 5 - 36 U/L | >700 |
Chemistry | 102 | Glucose | 65 - 99 mg/dL | <40 and >350 |
Chemistry | 157 | Glucose Post prand | 140 - 200 mg/dL | >450 |
Chemistry | 124 | Glyco | <5.7% | |
Chemistry | 125 | Iron (Fe) | M 59 - 158 ug/dL F 37 - 145 ug/dL | |
Chemistry | 252 | Lactic Acid | 0.5-2.2 mmol/L | >2.5 |
Chemistry | 110 | LDH | 135 - 225 U/L | >500 |
Chemistry | 346 | LIPASE | 13 - 60 U/L | |
Chemistry | 142 | Magnesium | 1.6 - 2.6 mg/dL | <1.0 and >5.0 |
Chemistry | 144 | Phosphorus | 2.5 - 4.5 mg/dL | <1.0 and >9.0 |
Chemistry | 117 | Potassium (K) | 3.4 - 5.3 mmol/L | < 2.8 and >5.8 |
Chemistry | 4847 | PreAlbumin | 20 - 40 mg/dL | |
Chemistry | 3444 | ProBNP | <125 pg/mL for <75Y <450 pg/mL for >75Y | >450 for <75Y >900 for >75Y |
Chemistry | 369 | Procalcitonin | <0.05 ng/mL | >0.5 |
Chemistry | 3206 | Prolactin | M 4.0 - 15.2 ng/mL F 4.8 - 23.3 ng/mL | |
Chemistry | 116 | Sodium (Na) | 135 - 145 mmol/L | < 125 and >155 |
Chemistry | 3244 | Testosterone | M 193 - 827 ng/dL F < 48 ng/dL | |
Chemistry | 108 | Total Bilirubin | <1.2 mg/dL | >10.0 |
Chemistry | 106 | Total Protein (TP) | 6.4 - 8.3 g/dL | |
Chemistry | 960 | Troponin I | <45 ng/L | >100 |
Chemistry | 959 | Troponin T, Gen 5 | M <22 ng/L F <14 ng/L | 50 |
Chemistry | 126 | UIBC(Unsaturated Binding Cap.) | 112 - 347 ug/dL | |
Chemistry | 103 | Urea Nitrogen (BUN) | 8 - 23 mg/dL | >80.0 |
Chemistry | 104 | Uric Acid | M 3.5 - 8.4 mg/dL F 2.2 - 7.3 mg/dL | |
Chemistry | 3521 | Vitamin D | > 30 ng/mL | |
Hematology | 200 | White Blood Cells | 3.5-11.0 K/cumm | < 2.5 and >25.0 |
Hematology | 222 | ABS. Neutrophils | 1.6-6.1 K/cumm | |
Hematology | 223 | ABS. Lymphocytes | 1.2-3.7 K/cumm | |
Hematology | 209 | % Neutrophils | 34.0 % - 71.1 % | |
Hematology | 211 | % Lymphocytes | 19.3 % - 51.7 % | |
Hematology | 212 | % Monocytes | 4.7 % - 12.5 % | |
Hematology | 673 | % Eosinophils | 0.0 % - 7.0 % | |
Hematology | 672 | % Basophils | 0.0 % - 1.2 % | |
Hematology | 210 | Immature Granulocytes | 0.0 - 0.4% | |
Hematology | 201 | RBC | M 3.6 - 5.6 M/, F 3.3 - 4.9 M/ | < 2.0 and >7.5 |
Hematology | 203 | Hematocrit | M 36 - 51 % F 32 - 46 % | <22.0% and >55% |
Hematology | 202 | Hemoglobin | M 12.1 - 17.1 g/dL F 10.7 - 15.1 g/dL | <7.0 and >18.0 |
Hematology | 204 | MCV | 81 - 100 fL | |
Hematology | 205 | MCH | 25 - 32 pg | |
Hematology | 206 | MCHC | 31 - 36 g/dL | |
Hematology | 207 | RDW | 11.6 - 14.4 Percent | |
Hematology | 208 | Platelets | 126 - 400 K/cumm | <40 and >800 |
Hematology | 213 | MPV | 9.4 - 12.4 fL | |
Hematology | 622 | Immature Platelets Fraction | 1.2%-8.7% | |
Hematology | 219 | Retic Count | 0.2% - 2.5% | |
Hematology | 624 | Immature Retic Fraction | M 2.3 - 13.4 % F 3.0 - 15.9 % | |
Hematology | 296 | RET-He | 28.2 - 36.6 pg | |
Hematology | 600 | Sedimentation Rate | M: <15 mm/h for <50Y <20 mm/h for >50Y F: <20 mm/h for <50Y <30 mm/h for >50Y | |
Hematology | 619 | D-Dimer HS 500 | <500 ng/mL FEU | |
Hematology | 601 | Prothrombin time | 10.1 - 12.5 | < 9.0 and >44.8 |
Hematology | 608 | INR | 0.9 - 1.1 | < 0.8 and >4.0 |
Hematology | 604 | PTT | 25.1 - 36.5 sec | <18 sec and >55 |
Infectious diseases | 721C | HIV Combo | Negative | |
Infectious diseases | 500 | RPR | Negative | |
Infectious diseases | 501 | Treponema antibodies | Negative | |
Infectious diseases | HATA | Hepatitis A, total abs | Negative | |
Infectious diseases | 736 | Hepatitis A, IgM | Negative | |
Infectious diseases | 732 | Hepatitis B surface antigen | Negative | |
Infectious diseases | 710 | Hepatitis B surface antibody | Negative | |
Infectious diseases | 2448 | Hepatitis B surface antibody, Quant | Negative | |
Infectious diseases | 735 | Hepatitis B core antibody | Negative | |
Infectious diseases | 2457 | Hepatitis B core IgM | Negative | |
Infectious diseases | 739 | Hepatitis C antibodies | Negative | |
Infectious diseases | 610Q | QuantiFERON®-TB Gold Plus | Negative | |
Immunology/Serology | 504 | RA | Negative | |
Immunology/Serology | 333 | Pregnancy, Serum | Negative | |
Immunology/Serology | 438 | Pregnancy, Urine | Negative | |
Urine | 4001 | Color | Yellow | |
Urine | 4002 | Clarity | Clear | |
Urine | 400 | Glucose | Normal | |
Urine | 401 | Bilirubin | Negative | |
Urine | 402 | Ketone | Negative | |
Urine | 403 | Spec. Gravity | <1.030 | |
Urine | 404 | Blood | Negative | |
Urine | 405 | PH | 5.0-8.0 | |
Urine | 406 | Protein | Negative | |
Urine | 407 | Urobilinogen | Negative | |
Urine | 408 | Nitrites | Negative | |
Urine | 409 | Leukocyte | Negative | |
Urine | 168 | Sodium, Urine/Random | No ref. range est. | |
Urine | 430 | Sodium, Urine/24 HR | 40-220 mmol/24 hr | |
Urine | 170 | Chloride, Urine/Random | No ref. range est. | |
Urine | 428 | Chloride, Urine/24 HR | 110-250 mmol/24 hr | |
Urine | 169 | Potassium, Urine/Random | No ref. range est. | |
Urine | 427 | Potassium, Urine/24 HR | 25-125 mmol/24hr | |
Urine | 423 | Creatinine, Urine/Random | No ref. range est. | |
Urine | 424 | Creatinine, Urine/24 HR | M 1.0 - 2.3 g/24hr, F 0.4- 1.6 g/24hr | |
Urine | 420 | Urine volume/24 HR | 800-2000 mL/24hr | |
Urine | 450 | Creatinine Clearance | 71-151 mL/min | |
Urine | 425 | Total Protein, Urine/24 HR | <150 mg/24hr | |
Urine | 406Q | Total Protein, Urine/Random | No ref. range est. | |
Urine | 4555 | Microalbumin, Urine/24 HR | <30 mg/24hr | |
Urine | 6517 | Microalbumin, Urine/Random | No ref. range est. | |
Drug Screen | Amphetamine | Negative | ||
Drug Screen | Barbiturates | Negative | ||
Drug Screen | Benzodiazepines | Negative | ||
Drug Screen | Cannabinoids (THC) | Negative | ||
Drug Screen | Cocaine metabolites | Negative | ||
Drug Screen | ETOH | Negative | ||
Drug Screen | Opiate | Negative | ||
Drug Screen | Phencyclidine (PCP) | Negative | ||
Microbiology | Microorganism in the blood | Negative | Positive | |
Microbiology | Clinical Significant microorganism from a sterile body site | Negative | Positive | |
Microbiology | Group A strep from a wound or body fluid | Negative | Positive | |
Microbiology | Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Trichomonas vaginalis | Negative | ||
Microbiology | Initial stool isolates of Salmonella, Shegella and Campylobacter, Clostridium Difficile | Negative | Positive | |
Microbiology | Enteric Bacterial Panel: Salmonella spp., Shigella spp./enteroinvasive Escherichia coli (EIEC), Campylobacter spp. (jejuni and coli), Shiga toxin producing organisms (STEC, Shigella dysenteriae) | Negative | ||
Microbiology | Enteric Viral Panel: norovirus, rotavirus, adenovirus, human astrovirus, and sapovirus | Negative | ||
Microbiology | Other microbiology critical values: Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus(MRSA), Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus (VRE), Multi-drug Resistant organism (MDR) and Extended-Spectrum Beta Lactamase (ESBL), Influenza A/B | Negative | Positive |