Aculabs’s Point Of Care Program is the first and only laboratory program in the Mid-Atlantic that can help maintain, train, and integrate bedside blood analysis. Our program was created in 2014 as a managed service delivery model to equip facilities with a way to combat increasing pressures to retain patients.
Due to acuity levels being higher than ever despite reimbursements falling, ancillary providers face greater pressure for faster turnaround times. These pressures occur despite geographical and financial limitations on facilities. Estimated turnaround time on STAT blood work also plays a significant role in decisions on whether to send out or keep a resident. With the introduction, training, and implementation of the Aculabs Point of Care Program, patient results are online in minutes not hours. Our devices are fully CLIA waived and the maintenance of the device is fully managed by us.
Current Tests: Na, K+, CL, TCO2, Anion Gap, iCalcium, Glucose, BUN, Creat, H&H
All results obtained on the device will transmit back to our laboratory to run through a delta check and be integrated back into the patient’s chart for cumulative reporting. Ultimately, we offer an integration that can keep residents in the facilities, helping to reduce the rate of readmission.
Within the first twelve months of Interact data, taken from Point Click Care, our Point Of Care Program displayed early excellence in tackling facility concerns over patient readmission rates.
When comparing the six month period prior to enrollment and the six month period post-enrollment, facilities enrolled in our program averaged a 30% decrease in Post-Acute 30-Day readmission rates, while our control facilities maintained their average readmission rates throughout both six month periods.
Due to such promising beginnings, we plan to expand our program throughout 2018, as well as gather more data to provide additional insight into the effects of our program. In the near future, Aculabs will also be expanding its test menu to include a Complete Blood Count (CBC) with a 3-part automated differential.
By offering a combination of a Chem8+ panel and a 3-part CBC, we expect our Point Of Care Program to help reduce hospital readmission rates across our enrolled facilities even further.