What does an Order’s “status” mean within the Order Log?

The Aculabs web portal utilizes real-time updates to help your staff know the progress on your lab work. • Ordered - The default status of your lab work order • Drawn/Skipped/Refused/Unable to Obtain - Submitted by your Aculabs phlebotomist • Received In Lab - Your lab work has arrived and been accessioned by our lab staff. •

By |2024-01-10T21:09:34-05:00January 10th, 2024|Categories: |Comments Off on What does an Order’s “status” mean within the Order Log?

How do I know if my resident was drawn?

Select Order > Order Log . Search the name of your patient and the relevant date range. All orders placed for your resident within this criteria will be displayed with an Order Status. Orders with a status of "Ordered" have not been drawn yet by one of our mobile phlebotomists.

By |2024-01-10T19:00:21-05:00January 10th, 2024|Categories: |Comments Off on How do I know if my resident was drawn?
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