Aculabs’ clinical lab director, Rita Khoury, MD, recently enjoyed the opportunity to sit down and speak with Market Leaders, a podcast hosted by the national healthcare publication McKnights Home Care, about TB Gold testing and the strategies laboratories like Aculabs utilize for long-term care facilities.

From McKnights’ website:

Long-term care residents are at increased risk for TB infection and TB disease. Insufficient screening and prevention policies can put residents, employees and the community at risk for TB exposure.

During this podcast, Rita Khoury, MD, clinical lab director at Aculabs, NJ, will discuss strategies to reduce the risk of TB in long-term care facilities. She’ll also describe her experiences evaluating the efficacy and accuracy of TB blood tests as an alternative to traditional skin testing. You’ll learn about best practices for TB screening, CDC testing guidelines and the importance of TB prevention for both staff and residents.

Readers can find more information on the podcast at the McKnights Home Care’s website.

Dr. Rita Khoury routinely publishes Letters from the Director on the Aculabs website. Click here to read some of her recent posts.